Sunday, August 11, 2019

International trade & business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International trade & business - Assignment Example onal trade and its correlation with foreign direct investments, domestic environments, latest technologies, and the impact on the current international business environment. It also describes the role of driving forces behind the firmly integrated global international trade system. A substantial preference is given to underline the implications of international trade i.e. declining barriers to the international business and its continuous contribution towards the world’s economy. It also analyzes that how the international businesses are reacting to the changing environment of global economy. The paper puts some light on the concerns highlighted by rapid growth of international trade along with its implications to some particular countries and multinational companies. The roles of these companies and government policies have been critically analyzed to figure out the benefits and gray areas of international trade. Over the past thirty years or so, a universal shift has been occurring in the world economy. There was a time when national economies were isolated from one another and relatively self contained. The rationale of isolation included barriers to cross-border trade and investment, i.e. due to distance, time zone, environment and cultures, natural differences in languages and political regulations, and the business systems. Today, the world has been observing a totally different scenario because geographical distances are reducing due to tremendous development in telecommunications and transportation technologies. Beside this, the global environment and culture have turned into almost same fashion while national economies are merging into an integrated as well as independent global economic system. All these changes and developments have decreased the barriers to cross-border trade and investments. It is widely believed that all such happenings and improvements have been occurred by the tremendous growth of international trade at global scale (Panic,

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