Friday, December 27, 2019

Rationale For Professional Development Day Essay - 968 Words

Part I: Rationale for Professional Development Day As the newest school in the district, James C. Carter High School is home to 1,231 diverse learners; over 350 of which make up our school’s Fine Arts Academy. Carter High School is also home to seventy-one highly qualified educators who embody the school’s motto of â€Å"Students First† and its mission to become the best high school in North Carolina. Carter High serves students in grades 9-12 and is the district’s first and only Fine Arts Academy. The school holds the unique distinction of being the first high school built in the county in over fifty years. Due to this, the school has had significant issues building community support in an area of the county that has strong ties to the older schools in the district. Prior to the implementation of the new Common Core standards and the re-norming of all state assessments, Carter High was 83% proficient, achieved a graduation rate of 90.3%, and earned high g rowth as a North Carolina School of Distinction. The Teacher Working Conditions (TWC) survey, taken by 100% of the staff, also reveals a culture at Carter High that embodies its motto and school vision. With 92% of the staff that agree it is a good place to work and learn, it is evident that every decision is made with the best interest of the students in mind. While still achieving many successes, some new challenges have emerged. Recently, both performance and growth measurements have decreased as the school has adjustedShow MoreRelatedCollaborative Working1594 Words   |  7 Pagescollaborative working within your professional area† To be able to understand the rationale, the different factors influencing the outcome of collaborative working and how this can be applied to Perioperative practice, it is important to have a sound understanding of the concept â€Å"Collaborative Working.† This concept has many terminological variations, one of the more frequently used is â€Å"Inter-professional working.† Hornby and AtkinsRead MoreEssay about Responsibilities of Personal Protection1225 Words   |  5 PagesPersonal Protection To understand the responsibilities of personal protection one must first understand what personal protection is. 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